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DRUGS - Destroying Society

I know I've been at it before, but the drug scene worldwide is reaching alarming proportions. It is fast becoming one of the greatest evils this world has ever had to suffer, and I am convinced, if left to continue unabated will eventually destroy society as we know it. Morals and integrity, good manners and compassion, honesty and transparency, are traits in humanity that are fast disappearing.


Unfortunately, we are fighting a losing battle. The so-called "war on drugs" by governments worldwide is a sham. Undoubtedly the brave individuals involved at grassroots level, fighting the pandemic curse, are genuine, committed individuals, often putting their lives on the line, believing in their task, but they are not the behind-the-scenes policy makers, the drug lords, the greedy politicians, the purveyors of hidden government agendas, and alas, in many cases, some dirty law enforcers. It is a sin that these people should be at risk for the unprecedented greed of the unprincipled ruling class.


While major world banks are laundering billions of dollars of drug money, thus making the despicable business of drug trafficking legitimate, and governments, including the USA, are turning a blind eye, secretly promoting it, we will never save our children's future. Drug trafficking is a business, and a very lucrative one, Witness the British Colonial opium trade of the last century, where the British not only gained financially on a massive scale; but also used it politically as a form of social repression and reform. At one stage, they actually controlled the Chinese drug market.


   And, as astonishing as it may seem, the more recent operation which saw CIA arms going to drug cartels in Mexico. See Robert Farago and Ralph Dixon's article, "Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious?" in The Washington Times, Thursday, August 11, 2011. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the looming iceberg.


Drugs have become a trading commodity the same as the traditional commodities like sugar, coffee, and oil, for instance, hence it becomes essential to the continued wellbeing of the world market. It's a typical Ying/yang situation; on the one hand, the authorities seem to be clamping down on it, whilst behind the scenes, actually promoting it, allowing it to flourish. And in doing so, destroying the lives of millions of individuals, families, and even communities; adversely affecting the very fabric of society.


According to research done by Credit Suisse as at the end of June, 2015, 1% of the world's population now own 50% of the wealth, while, conversely, the poorest half of the world's population, own just ONE PERCENT! Drugs play a major role in the wealth of the top 1%!


Sadly, drug trafficking go hand in hand with human trafficking. Using drugs to entrap them, hundreds of thousands of young, innocent girls, are forced into the sex slave, porn, and prostitution rackets in most every country, exploited by ruthless pimps and racketeers. Millions of lives ruined, families shattered, infrastructures broken down, morals abandoned, and communities crippled, all to appease the unbridled lust after wealth of the top few.


Since the dawn of time the haves have dictated to, exploited, and abused, the have-nots, using all kinds of tactics to keep them poor and downtrodden. Inequality of wealth distribution has never been more acute than at present, and is increasing daily. But like rust builds up in a structure exposed to the elements, insidiously creeping deeper and deeper into the very heart of it, the have-nots of the globe are slowly awakening to their collective power and are starting to make their voices heard, witness the many demonstrations at wealth summits the elite attend. And in the same way that rust eventually causes the structure it is attacking to collapse, the have-nots  will forcibly and indiscriminately take from the haves. And when it does happen, I’m afraid the French Revolution will appear like a nursery rhyme in comparison.


It will be too late however to save society and the world, too much damage is already done, and being done as I write. Like a cancerous tumour surreptitiously invading every single body cell, the illegal drug trade is invading the very fibre of our society. In my own family I have two family members hopelessly hooked on drugs, the one has stolen us blind on numerous occasions, selling off at ridiculous prices some of our most treasured possessions. In three other families in our circle of friends, the same has happened, and is still happening. The one case so bad, the parents lost their house. And I am convinced you will find this sorrowful tale repeating itself in families throughout the world.


So what to do? I wish I knew. Short of executing every single person involved in drug- and human trafficking, regardless of sex and position, I can see no solution. But even if it were possible, we would be terminating millions of people (let me be frank, it would not bother me one iota), including an astounding number of bank executives, politicians, government officials, law enforcement officers, judges, presidents, business tycoons, leaders of society, and of course the luckless stooges doing their dirty work for them.


Pity Tesla never perfected his Death Ray!!!!!

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